
ACTR Endorses Bipartisan Crapo/Wyden Discussion Draft to Improve Tax Administration and Procedure

The American Coalition for Taxpayer Rights (ACTR) – the national trade association for America’s largest tax software and tax preparation companies, which assist in the preparation and filing of more than 100 million individual federal and state  income tax returns each year – released the following statement regarding bipartisan draft legislation to improve the tax administration system that was proposed on January 30 by Sens. Mike Crapo (R-ID) and Ron Wyden (D-OR), the Chairman and Ranking Democrat, respectively, on the Senate Finance Committee:

“Chairman Crapo and Ranking Member Wyden, and their staffs, should be commended for coming together and offering these bipartisan, common-sense proposals to improve our nation’s tax administration system.  The proposals in the discussion draft are pro-taxpayer, and range from improvements to customer service, to empowering the National Taxpayer Advocate, to protecting whistleblowers.  In particular, ACTR supports the proposal to authorize the Internal Revenue Service to establish requirements to obtain and maintain a preparer tax identification number (PTIN).  This provision includes a requirement that paid, non-credentialed tax return preparers provide information regarding their competence and character, and take up to 18 hours of continuing education each year.  We look forward to working with Chairman Crapo, Ranking Member Wyden and other Members as this discussion draft moves forward.”


The American Coalition for Taxpayer Rights (ACTR) was formed in 2011 by the nation’s leading retail tax preparation and tax software companies and financial institutions, which collectively prepare and file more than 120 million of the 155 million federal tax returns annually. ACTR advocates for taxpayer rights and strengthens America’s voluntary tax compliance system.

Tax Preparers

Financial Institutions